Supporting Others' Talents

We writers talk a lot about our own work and about other writers we enjoy. I think we should also take the time to celebrate the range of other talents possessed by those in our lives.

My wife, for example, is an astonishing singer and can play piano, guitar and some violin. My dad is a great guitarist. My sister is a dancer and my mum could probably lead an army, having tested her organisational skills against youth drama and working on film sets.

For Christmas I got my wife a USB microphone that she can use to record herself directly onto the computer. She's really looking forward to bringing more music back into her life and we'll be sharing some of her recordings as we go. So keep an eye out, because I'll be posting links to her Youtube channel!

Is there anyone in your life who has a talent you're proud of? What can you do to encourage them to share and develop that talent further?