Blogger Lift #34

Blogger Lift:

Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC. Blogger Lift is a feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.

Blogger Lift is Filled until next year! Thank you to all the Blogger who have participated and those who Signed Up!

More Info on Blogger Lift:
Requirements Of Blogger Lift

Featured this week

Book Briefs

I am a 2L at Florida State Law School. I spend most of my time reading and studying law. In law school I have to write case briefs for all the cases I read. Here, I get to write book briefs. A much better (and more fun) use of my time.

The Interview :D!

1.-In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do?
I love to hang out with my two Dachshunds, Harry and Ron, and when I am away at school I like to play trivia and hang out with my best friend and sister.

2. Convince me to join your blog twitter style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
YA book reviews, blog tours, and giveaways- oh my! Plus some ramblings from yours truly. What is not to love?

3.- A TV Show. A Movie. A Song.
Storage wars. Inception. Say anything by Kate Voegele

4.-What question would you like to be asked in an interview?
ooh good question!!

Q. What is something that people would be surprised to learn about you?
A. I LOVE quotes! I used to keep word documents full of my favorite quotes and whenever I would come across a new quote that I liked I would add it. I also used to follow quote "blogs" (although they were more like tumblr) and I would spend A LOT of time just scrolling through and reading quotes.

5.- If a certain someone came out from under a rock and asked you for the Best Book Recommendation you could give, what would you recommend?
Oh man, It is a toss up between The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. I think I will have to go with Harry Potter. (how long have they been under this rock??)

6.- Now the Holiday Question: if you could create a Book Related Holiday, what would you call it and what would we do?
National Share a Story Day. I would have people either donate books or go to their local library and give book recommendations to kids that didn't think reading was for them (or kids/teens that just wanted some new books to read)

7.- and now a detailed description of your Blog :)
My blog is called Book Briefs, named after the case briefs I make for my law school classes. I review (mostly) YA books, and host as many giveaways as I can. I love to meet new book lovers so come on by and say hi. I always try to respond to comments and follow back if you leave a link. :)

You can find me here:







Thanks For Being part of Blogger Lift Michelle! :))