I finished the pastel workshop last weekend successfully.
The second painting was `autumn leaves'. I brought real maple and ginkgo leaves to make patterns.
Then by using the patterns, they colored the leaves.
In the beginning, I was hesitant to do so. But a few repeated to come back to my workshop and changed their real life dramatically. They encouraged me to do so.
I hold 2 types of pastel workshops. One type is just to paint pictures by pastel. The other type is not only painting but also counseling and giving messages to participants, which I call pastel therapy workshop. This therapy workshop is always full soon after I recruit participants in my Japanese blog.
It was the pastel therapy workshop last weekend. There were 4 participants. One of them who is my best friend always lends me her house for this workshop and joins the class.
I always teach the basic skill at first by painting `Circle'. These above art works are the participants' .
All of them are unique and original! I believe all the paintings represent the painters' personality.
All leaves and all colors are beautiful and gorgeous!!
In my workshop, at first I always like to tell participants everything you create and yourself are perfect and beautiful as they are.
Then when they paint the 2nd picture, I try to show them their new possibility which they don't notice yet but I can see by adding some essence in their picture.
I know it's very difficult to change their personality soon. But it's easier to notice their pattern through their pictures and to change it if they like to do so by changing how to paint.
They are my beloved students! Besides painting, I do guided meditation and give them messages by using oracle cards. That is my pastel therapy workshop!
I'll have another workshop this weekend at the pottery studio I attend. This is just a painting class but hosted with my little sister who is also a pastel instructor.
I like to recruit more participants for this!