Super Moon

Before Super Moon, I like to show you beautiful scenes of yesterday.

Sun on Angel feather-like Cloud

Beautiful Sunset

Almost Full Moon

Angel feathers over Moon

It's going to be a full moon at 03:10 on Mar. 20th(tonight, Japan Time). This full moon is very special called `Super Moon'. I post YouTube at bottom to tell why it is called super moon.
I took this photo of `Super Monn' right now. Basically, a full moon has some power to help us to release unnecessary ideas, feelings like fear and sorrow, and old patterns which can't work any more. And it helps us to make our dreams come true. I like to use this Super Moon power to rejuvenate Japan and Japanese!
I believe the power of Super Moon is much more powerful than that of a full moon.

Dear Super Moon,

Please send your light
 to rejuvenate Japan and to release our fear and sorrow.
Lead us to recovery and bring us bright future.