Writing and freely publishing this book has been a blessing in so many ways, and trust me, it's a gift to you but it also gives to me. None of us is selfishly giving, and that in itself is the reason it's so good.
This morning I awoke early, blearily opened my email and saw a message from Katherine Tyrrell marked, 'you've won The Best Book by an Art Blogger Blue Ribbon (Making A Mark Awards 2010).' How nice, I thought. I hadn't had my coffee or spent time in the Bible, as I do every morning, and I was pleased. But it wasn't until I visited Making a Mark that I was absolutely bowled over by this generous recognition!
Please take a moment to go over to her blog and read the stunning company listed on that page, in order to understand how I feel right now. I must tell you that I have never considered myself and what I've written here as coming close to ranking alongside Richard McKinley or Deborah Paris. Their books are amazing! They're each consummate professionals, recognized widely and very authoritative. I respect each of them immensely and have had the pleasure of a certain amount of interaction with each of them at various times.
I think the thing that pleases me most is that it was the giving that tipped the balance. That wasn't me. That was the Lord. Some may not understand, while others no doubt do, but suffice it to say that I gave the book away as a gift to honor Jesus.
All the thanks I've received from people all over the world, and now this lovely Blue Ribbon, are His.