Patchwork Tote Bag

Hi there!  This is Karen from Renegade Homestead, happy to report that for the first time ever I've finished one of my Christmas presents before the start of December.  And it's thanks in part to the Crafty Christmas Club!  After my first post, one lovely reader suggested I make my quilt-loving mother-in-law a quilt-themed tote.  This was my first quilting endeavor and though it's not perfect, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

I whipped right through this project by modifying a tutorial from noodlehead.  The fabrics include leftovers from my wedding last year and one of my husband's old work shirts.  I think it will be just right for summers on the beach... and my mother-in-law may need that reminder by the time winter is in full swing around Christmas.  

Thanks again to Sandra for the excellent idea suggestion and thanks to everyone reading for providing the motivation to complete this present in record time!