PORTS, RESTLESS MACHINES OF | scooped out basins
| heavy insect dredgers
| monotonous cranes
| stations
| lighthouses, blazing
| through the frosty
| starlight, cutting the
| storm like a cake
| beaks of infant boats,
| side by side,
| heavy chaos of
| wharves,
| steep walls of
| factories
| womanly town
There follows a list of the great ports, including Newcastle, which is portrayed a few pages later in a Vorticist woodcut by Edward Wadsworth. The Tate exhibition includes a similar print, called simply Port, and it was a subject Wadsworth would return to throughout his career (although his later harbour views are much less interesting). During the First World War Wadsworth was involved in the application of dazzle camouflage to allied ships and used this experience in what may be his most famous port scene, Dazzle-ship in Drydock at Liverpool (1919). Roy Behrens has recently unearthed a photograph of Wadsworth painting this - you can see it on his Camoupedia blog.
Edward Wadsworth, Newcastle, 1914