Session 3 On Me Piece...Gallery Getting A Write Up In UK

2hrs yesterday, with a total so far of 5 more session to go and we'll be done!! In some worldly news I recieved this email yesterday:

Hi Squirrel,

My name is Nick Howes and I write the news pieces for the Extreme Sports Channel's website over here in the UK. We came across your Cycling Tattoo Gallery blog and have written a story in homage of it. As soon as its posted I'll send you a link to it.

Hope we're cool using the photos and quote from your website. Expect a deluge of photos from the Brit boys and good luck in the future!



Hell Yeah Mates......bring on the INK!!


Come On Now:)

This is Kevin from Lee's Summit, MO

I KNOW THERE ARE MORE OF YOU INKED MATES OUT THERE....NOW GET WITH IT!! A new one added today!! Also added the Knuckle Tattoo link.


Free Blog Template

Are you interested in giving your blog a facelift? you can download the template for your blogger blog from Blogger Layouts & Templates. This is the preview of the blog template.

Note : This template will work only with the classic templates of blogger. Please select classic templates to use this template on your blog.

What is included in Google Pack

Here's what google pack is all about :

Google Earth : View satellite pictures of earth, Zoom from space to street level.
Norton Security Scan : One of the best antivirus packages.
Google Desktop : Desktop Search application from google.
Mozilla Firefox with Google Toolbar : Safer browser with popup blocker.
Adobe Reader: View PDF files.
Skype : free voice, video calls & making cheap phone calls.
StarOffice : MSOffice Alternative
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer : block pop-ups and autofill forms
Spyware Doctor Starter Edition : Detects and removes spyware, adware, trojans and keyloggers
Picasa : Find, edit, and share your photos in seconds
Google Photos Screensaver : Display photos from your PC and photo sharing sites
Google Talk: Google's own instant messenger.
RealPlayer : Play popular media formats, organize music and videos.

Click the graphic to continue

Making Favicon

Select an Image on your disk from which you want to generate a FavIcon.

Select Image:

using FavIcon from Pics

Link Directory

Oris Directory
Grand Url
Iraneda Web Directory
Back Link Site
Blogs Directory

Google Sitemaps Builder :
SiteMaps Builder is free online service, creates Google XML, HTML, and Text Site Maps for Yahoo submission, validates your links at your website, reports about incorrect and broken links.

Picture Hosting for Ebay | Free Picture Hosting Site | Hosting MySpace Pictures :
Fast picture hosting for ebay,power seller tools,message boards & online auctions - Easy image hosting and linking!

Indian Telemarketers having nervous breakdowns due to verbal abuse

Workers in India are having nervous breakdowns after being abused by fed-up Australians but they aren't getting much sympathy. Quote: "Some companies are regretting outsourcing their business to India because of the damage it does to their products' reputation." Finally!

After This article got quite a number of responses, I decided to blog about it and Also create a poll.

read more digg story

Create polls and vote for free.

Blog from Microsoft Word | Free add-in from Google has released a useful add-in for Microsoft Word, which enables bloggers to use Microsoft Word as a blogging, editing and publishing tool. You don't even have to open up the browser. Check your system specifications whether this add-in is compatible with your system.( )

The add-in is free to download from here .

Note: This add-in does not work with newer layouts of blogger ( ). There also seems to be an issue with MS Word2007 Blogger Feature.

Blog Promotion Secrets | blog search engines & blog directories.

Technorati and Digg are a good place to submit your blog. People look for blog content at Technorati every day. Almost every site will ask for following information.

  • Blog Title

  • Blog URL

  • Blog Description

  • Blog Keywords

  • Your name

  • Your Email

  • Blog Feed URL

  • Blog Photo

Keep the above mentioned information ready while submitting to these sites.

Be an Active blogger.
The more you blog the more chances there are that your blog will attract visitors. Let people comment on your blogs and reply to them when asked, this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and also getting good feedback on your post. When some of your posts start getting more attention than other posts you should follow up the article with an extended post. That will give your blog more popularity.

Help the search engines help you
Always make good use of page titles, post titles. Use titles, which accurately describe your post and make a powerful impact on the readers mind. Be aware that in most cases the visitor will read the post title in a fraction of a second and decide if he/she wants to continue reading. You have to provide an interesting and hopefully short and descriptive title. Also make sure that you format your post title differently than the article itself, like making it bold or different color, size etc. Don’t use too many capital letters in your sentences. It gives an impression of being a spam log or in short “splog”.

Using Graphics and Images.
I have to admit that ever since I got a high-speed connection to the Internet, I almost used to forget that there are still so many users who are on dial-up connections and the blog shouldn’t choke on their connection. Try to use minimum graphics and external scripts on your blog, optimize your images before using it on your blog. You can find free online graphics optimizers.

Track user hits to your site / blog
Install a hit counter on your blog/site. There are many free ones you can choose, I personally recommend statcounter. By studying the stats you can actually gain useful knowledge about the blog visitors. It will help you find out what things you are doing right and what you aren’t.

Format your content for better readability
Lets face it, We all hate to read a post where ideas are crammed into one long paragraph. Long paragraphs make the posts very boring to read through and chances are that your visitors will not even read the whole paragraph. Make wise use of text formatting features on your blog post. Split different ideas within a post into different paragraphs and try to keep your posts short. Split the posts itself and let the visitors decide if they want to read more of your posts.

Be an active commenter
Read others blogs and write comments on their blogs. You should also leave a link to your blog and you could get some visitors from that blog / website. You can also join forums, discussion groups etc. but be careful to post your comments on relevant forum topics and do not spam the forums or mail of the visitors.

Remember always that there are only two golden rules of blog promotion
Rule 1
: Promote your blog today as best as you can
Rule 2: Come back tomorrow and re-read both the rules again.

Free Pixel Advertising for Blog Promotion

Have you heard of “Alex Tew”? A couple of years ago, nobody had heard of him. He was a 21 year old who wanted to make some cash on the Internet. He came up with an idea and within 4 months he managed to touch the million dollar mark. His Idea was to create a webpage to sell ad space (pixels) to advertisers and create a site not very different from the classifieds column of the local newspapers.

At first glance, the concept of this website must have looked quite similar to “Free for All” link sites to the advertisers then, why would anyone want to advertise on a site which was just weeks old and mostly unheard of. Alex’s Idea was Original and Unique. He publicized his concept to an extent where it started making some money and made it into news stories. Soon, more people started taking interest on his site and this brought more advertisers to his site and more revenue and popularity. Its popularity grew steadily and was mentioned in numerous websites, magazines, news clippings, newspapers etc.

Alex Tew’s story as published by BBC is here ( ), and his homepage is Many websites took up his concept to create copycat sites and some actually managed to make good revenue from it. His success also made some people jealous his website had to face DdoS attack for ransom. Someone out of jealousy created the site or perhaps this was another way to cash in on the popularity of the milliondollarhomepage.

Alex Tew started a whole new concept of pixel advertising. I found out that pixel advertising brought more visitors to my blog than google. If you need traffic you can also try out the free pixel advertisements that are being offered by some of the sites.
You can use the google search box to search for the sites where you can advertise your site/blog for free

Free Pixel Advertisement for your blog

A positive google pagerank for $0 Challenge Blog

Finally, Google took note of the $0 challenge blog and this blog jumped from 0 pagerank to pagerank 3. I suppose this is both good as well as bad news. Firstly, Iam happy that without any paid marketing or even paid services I managed to create a pagerank 3 Blog/Website, On the other hand, Iam worried that this blog will be spammed with spam links in order to improve their pagerank. That is not the way to go. Instead just $1 will get you on the frontpage of my blog for one whole month. Interested anyone? maybe someone will take an interest to just congratulate me for getting a pagerank 3.

Free Blog Promotion and Writing Quality Content

Most people want to promote their blogs in the most easiest of ways, And hope that scores of people would line up to read their crap weblog. Well, this is for all those people who have not yet been able to find the pages related to blog promotion authored by

Firstly, advises to try out certain settings on blogger itself. The document suggests to set the blog to ping Quite frankly, I am not sure if this makes much of a difference. Lets move on to other suggestions.

Further, it suggests that we activate our navbar( The navigation bar on top ). Clicking the "nextblog" button it says is quite "popular". So, I also joined in the bandwagon and started clicking the "nextblog" button without much thought. I came across a few blogs that did not enable their navbar, but still showed up while I was clicking through. That brings us to the main question, why should we enable the navbar then when some blogs still show up without showing them?

The next suggestions of using "Email this post", "switching on the site feed" and "add your blog to blogger listing" is quite useful and I suggest to follow the suggestions as advised by

Writing Quality Content: This is what makes one blog stand out from the crowd or should I say BlogCrowd. Sometimes we just run out of ideas to write new content on the blog. On those days I choose to surf other blogs and pick up ideas to use on my blog ( I said "pick up" ideas NOT steal their content, be careful not to copy paste their content on your blog. ). Read the popular stories on google news, subscribe to some of the feeds of your interests and write content based on that knowledge.

Get the news while its hot and If its is an "exclusive", meaning If you can provide some content( picture, audio or something related to story) which isn't on the internet already, bake your blog with "exclusive" content and let your audience feast on that "Cake". I remember, one such instance when a sensational and controversial news was published in the newspapers and some people took up the story and "blogged" about the story. Soon people who had read the story in the newspapers, landed on these blogs. Always try to be the first in these situations. If you delay, your traffic is split with higher ranking sites.

Nowadays, the technology helps you to stay ahead of the competetion. Many people are not even aware that you can post to your blog here at just by sending email. If your blog gives you more options such as mobile blogging( blogging using mobile phones ) and publishing pictures using your camera phones, take advantage of these technologies and stay a mile ahead of the rest.

Lastly, do check the grammar and typos on your post, spelling mistakes just look really bad. Use an automated tool to check the correct usage. provides spell check as an effective tool built into the interface. You will learn more blog promotion tips and hints in future. Bookmark this site for further reference.

Here's the blogger topic on blog promotion :

$0 Challenge Blog on Yahoo

Currently the Zero Dollar Challenge Blog has climbed to #6 spot on . Check its current position here

However Zero Dollar Challenge Blog is #1 of Yahoo! India and

Yahoo! Asia

Update : The $0 Challenge blog had climbed upto #2 spot on when it was last checked. Any chance to climb on #1?

Get listed as #1 at Google

When I was new to blogging, All my blogger friends would brag about their blogs being #1 at google. Actually, becoming #1 at google isnt as difficult as some people would like you to believe. Here's your tutorial to become #1 at google. Remember, this is not a Search Engine Optimization tutorial. This article aims to teach newbies, a few tips/tricks about google, to get their blog/website to rank at the topmost position of the blog.

First do a google search of your blog url . So putting theory in practice, I shall do a google search of "zerodollarchallenge"(no spaces or quotes). Make sure that there are no Top Level Domains listed in the search, ie,,, etc. At the time I started this blog, there were no such domains listed against my blog url. If you see Top Level Domains listed, try your another blog url. Once you find the right blog url, Submit that blog url to google .

Sit back and relax, It could take some time so check back after a few months, So keep adding some good content to your blog. Try the google search after the long wait and you might just see your blog listed on #1 if you do a search for your blog URL. Go on, Start bragging about being #1 on google..

Note: this method does not guarantee a #1 rank on google, it has a 90% success chance.

Blog Link Building

Let us help you out a little in your blog promotion campaign, we will give you a free reciprocal link even if you have a new blog(We keep checking the blogs and non-serius blogs drop out of our Link Building List)

Wan't a Technorati link exchange as well? then add our blog to your technorati favorites( We have a technorati widget on our sidebar for your convenience) and leave a comment on our Free & Easy Link Exchange for Bloggers page.

Free & Easy Link Exchange for Bloggers

Google measures the importance of this page as
Check Page Ranking

The easiest way to exchange links, link to my blog with the following code and leave a comment on my blog with your link, your link will be added if you are a new or serious blogger, I generally give all blogs a link as an encouragement so that they can blog better, As the list gets longer, low quality blogs will drop out of the list so get going blogger!.

Are you a member of Just add our blog as your favorites and put the word in our ear and we will return the favour by adding your blog to our favorites, as simple as that!

Here are the TOP 25 blogs that managed to "Hang in" while others just dropped out of our TOP25 list.

Newly Added : (The following people exchanged links with my blog. you could be one of them too, so join them.)

Hints to decide where to host your blog

I decided that the first thing I need to have is a website or a blog of some kind to create an online presence. I decided to have a blog because It is a more reliable way to be online as free web page providers tend to go down without warning. Atleast a blog can stay online far longer than that(and for FREE!).

Yahoo 360, Is the blogging service that yahoo provides. You can start using Yahoo blogs if you already have a Yahoo ID. There are no additional hassles for signing up for their blogging services seperately. Yahoo blogs are for complete newbies. You can fill in the content in minutes and your blog is ready. Yahoo 360, however doesnt allow modifications to the template or adding external scripts and functionalities. Yahoo 360

Msn spaces is the blogging service of MSN/Microsoft. Like yahoo it also gives limited options to customize the template of your blog. Although they are suited for complete newbies. The drag and drop interface requires no HTML knowledge and no programming experience to set up your blog. MSN Spaces

Other free popular blogging services are Wordpress , Livejournal , Movabletype , Multiply .

Why did I choose then? Firstly it was owned by which is providing these services for free. Since Google is a big company, It is certain that It will not close down or commercialize these free services in near future. Also It gives a great opportunity to earn a little revenue from the blog or any web page using "google adsense". If you are interested in signing up for it, there is a link to the adsense on the right pane of this page.

What is a $0 challenge?

What are the things that other people add to their blogs to make it look cool! or hot! or sexy? I learnt that there are so many resources and addons that people can use on their blogs to improve the look of their blogs or add functionality to their blog. Many of these blog stuff and blog things are free of cost. The only challenge is to find the right things for your blog. Although this blog aims to be a guide for the bloggers, many of the hints, tips, hacks etc. are also relevant for personal website who look for third party enhancements for their site.

What is life without a little challenge? The Zero Dollar Challenge is the motivating factor of this blog, A personal review on the free internet blog things and stuff and a dummies guide to get started in blogging and a directory for finding those cool things for their blog/website for those, Who have never blogged before.